Joining Lascelles Lodge

Freemasonry, at its core, is a charitable fraternal organisation which seeks to promote the values of brotherly love, relief and truth.

It is a society of like-minded individuals who seek to improve themselves and the world around them.

Lascelles Lodge is always keen to welcome new members who wish to join us in our charitable endeavours and to share in our fellowship.

The quickest way to get going is to contact us using the form here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why Join Freemasonry?

There are many reasons to join Freemasonry, but the most common are: to make new friends, to learn new skills, to improve yourself and to give something back to your community.

What Benefits Are There?

You will meet many people, from all walks of life, likely making long-lasting friendships. You will learn new skills, such as public speaking, leadership and teamwork.

Any contributions you make, in the cause of charity, are amplified by the collective efforts of the Freemasons of our Lodge, the local Province and across the country.

Who Can Join?

Those who identify as male and are over the age of 18, of good character and who believe in something greater than themselves are eligible to join.

How Much Does It Cost?

Like many other organisations, Freemasonry is funded by its members. The cost of membership is kept as low as possible and is comparable with other clubs and societies. You do not need to be wealthy to join.

Any charitable contributions you make are voluntary and are not a requirement of membership.